29 September 2009: Many of the causal factors of the current economic conditions seem to be inextricably linked to a failure in corporate governance. Regulatory boxes may have been ticked but fundamental principles of good governance were breached. Board of directors needs to emphasis more on the performance of corporate governance than with its regulatory compliance. Boards should set clear goals, accountabilities, appropriate structures and committees, delegated authorities and policies. They should provide sufficient resources to enable executive management to achieve the goals of the organisation through effective management of day-to-day operations and monitor management’s progress towards the achievement of these goals. Board performance may be enhanced by setting up business useful board committees.
ACCA Pakistan is holding a discussion forum in Karachi on 1 October 2009 to deliberate upon best Corporate Governance practices in the current challenging economic conditions. The aim of this discussion forum is to initiate a discussion on the business case for board committees other than the audit committees.
Discussion forum will be featuring top management executives from banking and business community to share their views and reflections on the topic. It will also be attended by members and approved employers of ACCA Pakistan.